
Explore Creativity with Collage CEXTN010-202460

Ended Jul 3, 2024

Full course description

Explore Creativity with Collage
Wednesdays, 6/12-7/3/2024,
week 1 + 3 meet 6:30-7:30pm
week 2 + 4 meet 6:30-8:30pm
plus weekly optional Engagement Lab

Instructor: Lorna Stevens

In this online workshop, collage is explored through class projects, presentations of related art, and group critiques. The four meetings alternate between studio time to work on projects and group discussions of workshop work. The workshop covers various collage aspects, such as adhesives, surfaces, papers, and images. All levels welcome.

The four meetings alternate between meeting for one hour of studio time to work on projects and two hours for group discussions of workshop work. Meetings 1 + 3 will last 1 hour, and meetings 2 + 4 will last 2 hours. An optional 30 minute engagement lab follows each session.

Instructor Bio:
Lorna Stevens is a mixed media artist whose work centers on integrating material and technique to represent subject matter. The Brooklyn Museum, the di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, the New York Public Library, the Numakunai Sculpture Garden in Iwate, Japan, and the SF MOMA Research Library have acquired her work. She received her MFA from Columbia University.

Suggested Materials: Adhesives • Glue stick • PVA • Matte Medium Additional Ways to Attach • Tape, both removable and permanent, colored and clear • Staples, brads • Needle and thread

Grounds • Canvas boards • Cardboard • Book covers

Images/Papers • Magazines, newspapers • Papers with a purpose: maps, ledger, music writing, pattern, envelopes, stamps • Internet images – enhance, distort, scale as desired • Fabric scraps

Drawing and Painting Supplies • Pencils (colored and graphite), markers, chalk, crayons • Acrylic paints, inks

Image credit: Richard McKinley