
Create Your Emergency "Grab & Go" Rapid Exit Plan! CEXTN30-202340

Ended May 11, 2023

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Create Your Emergency "Grab & Go" Rapid Exit Plan! 

Thursday, 5/11/2023, 6:00-9:00pm

Location: Online

Instructor: Kevin Boyd

Whatever the emergency, don’t panic, just follow your plan! Determine now what you will do and take with you, depending on the amount of time you have to vacate. Learn how to organize your vital information in a “Grab-&-Go” Binder. Convert essential paper documents to digital as well as Photos, Photo Albums and Scrap Books, then easily back it all up to the Cloud for ultimate protection. Learn the most important items to include in your “Go Bags,” & Bins. Discover local evacuation routes, beneficial free apps and multiple tips!

Workshops are taught online through Zoom and Canvas. Students will need a computer or smart phone with webcam and microphone, internet and web streaming capacity, and the Zoom application installed to their device. A device to capture images (digital camera, smart phone, or tablet, etc.) is helpful, but not required.

Instructor Bio: Kevin Boyd, M.B.A., M.S., is a former Bell Labs engineer and Vice President of a market leading cardiology software company. He is now a multi-award-winning (by eBay) instructor, published eBay author (Penguin) and the technical editor for The Complete Idiot's Guide to eBay. Kevin teaches at over 30 colleges in the U.S. and Canada providing small business owners and new online sellers with the skills necessary for online entrepreneurial success.