
Share Your Work CEXTN08-202540

May 7, 2025 - May 21, 2025

$60 Enroll

Full course description

Share Your Artwork!
Wednesdays, 5/7 & 5/21/2025, 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Chinatown/ North Beach Center, room 1404

Instructor: Lorna Stevens

Share your Work!
Bring your projects to share with the instructor and fellow workshop artists. Receive suggestions and feedback on your work and help others resolve creative challenges by offering responses intended to help the artist.
This two meeting in person workshop meets for two hours. Artwork is documented and each artist receives a high resolution photograph of their work.
Instructor Bio:
Lorna Stevens is a mixed media artist whose work centers on integrating material and technique to represent subject matter. The Brooklyn Museum, the di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, the New York Public Library, the Numakunai Sculpture Garden in Iwate, Japan, and the SF MOMA Research Library have acquired her work. She received her MFA from Columbia University.
Image credit: Lynn Winter Gross