SW360L Enhancing Child and Youth Well-Being by Attending to our Reactions WhenWorking with Them 6 CEUs TIVE24-202280
Ended Dec 13, 2022
Spots remaining: 20
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Full course description
Instructor: Pamela Parkinson, PhD, LCSW
Tuesday, December 13, 2022 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: Online via Zoom
Explore the limits of self-disclosure with youth in our continuum of care and how our own past experiences impact these relationships, and identify how we know when we are over-involved in a way that could accidentally exploit our clients or burn ourselves out! Examine the reasons why you chose to work in this field. Explore how your own “stuff” impacts your work with youth and their families and, if you are a supervisor, how to support those you supervise with all of this.