RM003B Using Energy Psychology Techniques to Address Dysregulation and Other Outcomes of Traumatic Experiences 5 part series - 18 CEUs upon completion of the series TIVE20-202540
Feb 26, 2025 - May 21, 2025
Full course description
CI# RM003B Using Energy Psychology Techniques to Address Dysregulation and Other Outcomes of Traumatic Experiences 5 part series - 18 CEUs upon completion of the series Instructor: Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW Wednesdays, 2/26, 3/26, 4/30, 5/21, 9AM-1:30PM and 6/11/2025 - 11AM-1PM Location: Online via Zoom Stress and trauma can have long-term impact on the brain and bodies and can result in behavioral and emotional challenges for children, youth and families. Energy Psychology Techniques have proven highly effective in address symptoms of pos-traumatic stress (Finestein, D. 2021). In this series you will learn techniques to help children, youth, families and yourself regulate your nervous system to address stress and trauma. You will also learn how to address the impact of trauma, including developmental trauma, through the use of the energy psychology technique of tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique. This course is offered as a series. Please sign up for all 5 classes. You will have the opportunity to practice the techniques between classes, integrate skills over time, and receive feedback on your work. Part 1: Nervous System Regulation for Providers and Their Client with Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology February 26, 2025, 9:00 – 1:30 (includes 30 minute break) Part 2: Using Energy Medicine to Regulate those with Developmental Trauma March 26, 2025, 9:00 – 1:30 (includes 30 minute break) Part 3: Energy Psychology – Basic EFT April 30, 2025, 9:00 – 1:30 (includes 30 minute break) Part 4: How to Address Trauma with EFT May 21, 2025. 9:00 – 1:30 (includes 30 minute break) Part 5: What to do next with EFT June 11, 2025, 11:00am – 1:00pm